December 2015

Institute’s FY2017 election is almost upon us, and ballots will soon be distributed in February 2016. Candidate profiles have already been posted at

The election does not specifically include a Director for the Southwest Region, since this is a 2-year position. As such, it may be tempting to think of it as merely a ratification of a foregone conclusion and not important for participation. But the election gives unique opportunity to influence the direction of CSI, and greater than you may think:

  • Don’t think of it as a popularity or parochial contest. Significant candidates are not limited to those found at the forefront of CSI publications or social media.
  • Read the biographies and positions. You will quickly tell the difference between a platitude and a real plan.
  • Someone unexpected may really hit a chord with you. Your vote may strengthen that person’s resolve to better the organization in a future effort, even if he/she is not successful in this election.
  • Only one candidate? Well, now you know who to contact with suggestions and concerns. No need to wait until FY17 begins.

With our new director Mark Dorsey and a leading organizational consultant, the board will be engaging in a series of strategic workshops over the winter-spring of 2016. The objective is to clarify responsibilities and increase effectiveness of the CEO, staff, and Board in their roles. This work will influence the direction and goals for CSI in many years to follow.  I look forward to reporting on this further in the coming months.

I am honored to serve the Institute in FY16-17 from my location in the Southwest Region. I enjoy each of our unique chapters and their success is very important to me. Please let me know how the CSI experience can help make your careers the best they can be.